Hello, here is BK Plastic Surgery.
There has been a small change in our hospital.
Let’s see what’s changed!
First, this is the notice by floor.
On the second floor, not only patients can apply for consultation but also there is BK Plastic Surgery museum and waiting room for family guardian.
Here is the place where there’s small change on today morning!
When you enter to the second floor, the comfortable sofa and Espreeso machine is waiting for you!
The color of sofa and wall looks perfect match!
Here is the place where the Plastic Surgery museum starts.
As there is a good light, it is good place to take a photo!
We strongly recommend to try photo shoot here :)
BK is the only hospital where has Plastic Surgery Museum.
Since it displays materials used for plastic surgery such as silicone implant, not only domestic patients but also international patients are highly interested in it.
You can have chance to touch it! Why don’t you try?
On the left side on the wall, can you see the screen?
It shows the press, issues related to plastic surgery and ongoing events.
Model? No!!
They are representative doctors in BK.
Not only they have good looking but also they provide very careful consultation.
Needless to say, the result of surgery is so successful.
Even though, it is March, it is still cold outside.
For patient’s guardians who wait for long time, they can take a rest with warm hitter and bed chair.
The below is the way to come to BK.
BK is located in front of exit No2, subway line 3.
[Open hours]
Mon-Thurs : 10AM-7PM
Fri : 10AM-9PM
Sat: 10AM-5PM
Sun, National holiday: 10AM-2PM
[How to make a reservation]
Phone consultation: +82-10-5021-8886
Kakao consultation: @BK성형외과
English :bkhospitalenglish@gmail.com +82 10 5021 8886
***Below is BK's Singapore branch ***
BK Medical Group Aesthetic Clinic
K Plastic Surgery (Headquarter) Contact Information for international patients
***Headquarter of BK is located in Seoul, Korea ***
English :bkhospitalenglish@gmail.com +82 10 5021 8886
Indonesia : bkhospitalindonesia@gmail.com +82 10-7152-8892
Malaysia : bkhospitalmalaysia@gmail.com +82-10-9481-8960
Singapore : bkhospitalsingapore@gmail.com +65 9389 7749
China : bkhospitalchinese@gmail.com +82 10 4934 8886
Japan : bkhospitaljapanese@gmail.com +82 10 7128 3886
Mongolia : bkhospitalmongolia@gmail.com +82 10 4072 0403
Vietnam : bkhospitalvietnam@gmail.com +82 10 4732 8894
Russia: bkhospitalrussia@gmail.com +82 10 4783 8886
Thailand: bkhospitalthailand@gmail.com +82 10 4783 8886
***Below is BK's Singapore branch ***
BK Medical Group Aesthetic Clinic
#08-05,06 Novena Medical Centre, 10 Sinaran Drive, Singapore, 307506