Summer is coming!
I am sure that there are many people
who start to go on a diet for BIKINI J
However it is not easy to have nice-shaped body
even with food control and exercise.
With BK, You don’t need to worry!
There is mini fat liposuction
which would bring visible effect with safe way.
What is mini-liposuction?
It is the effective way to remove the fat
which is difficult to be removed
by exercise within short time.
The mini liposuction will decrease the number of fat cells by melting with ultrasound
and attracting fat cells with small drain.
Therefore, if you manage your body a little after surgery, you would keep your nice-shaped body
for a long time without worries of yo-yo syndrome.
However, it is needed
to have healthy diet and regular exercise
after having surgery to achieve more desired results.
The thing you should consider the most for liposuction
is whether hospital has good equipment
and it is performed by an experienced doctor.
You may see the best results when you receive liposuction by a broad experienced doctor who considers
each patient’s condition like BK Plastic Surgery.
BK has a special promotion during summer!
Why don’t you visit our hospital and have consultation?
VICKINI is NOT the dream anymore
with Mini Liposuction in BK J
***Headquarter of BK is located in Seoul, Korea ***
English +82 10 5021 8886
Indonesia : +82 10-7152-8892
Malaysia : +82-10-9481-8960
Singapore : +65 9389 7749
China : +82 10 4934 8886
Japan : +82 10 7128 3886
Mongolia : +82 10 4072 0403
Vietnam : +82 10 4732 8894
Russia: +82 10 4783 8886
Thailand: +82 10 4783 8886
***Below is BK's Singapore branch ***
BK Medical Group Aesthetic Clinic
#08-05,06 Novena Medical Centre, 10 Sinaran Drive, Singapore, 307506