It’s BK Plastic Surgery Hospital, the center of Korean Plastic Surgery.
Do you remember BK Model Kitty?
She came to BK Plastic Surgery Hospital in May this year for her golden birthday to treat herself an Acculift treatment on her lower chin area.
ACCULIFT(as known as ACCUSCULPT laser), is used to selectively dissolve fat tissue in an accurate and safe way, so as to smooth and slim down the face and make the body appear smoother and toned. The fat repositioning effect also helps lift and tighten the skin.
So far, it has been 3 months since she got the treatment!
Let’s check her status change as the time went by! ^^
----- Before Acculift (Accuscuplt) ------
This is the photos that show her profile both right and left before the Acculift procedure.
When she came in for consultation, she expressed her wish to get rid of some jowl fat removed which always bothered her when she took photos or looked in the mirror.
----- After 1 Month ----
This is one month after the surgery. There are still some swellings left and it takes more than a month for the lifting effect to show visually so there is not much difference shown.
Usually, the Acculift surgery takes from 2 to 4 months to show the full effect and lasts to 6 months or more depending on how well you follow the after-care instruction, like frequently wearing the pressure garment for your chin, paying attention to the calorie intakes and watching out for fatty food.
Let’s see the 2 month post-surgery photos, shall we?
-------- After 2 Months ---------------
Kitty clearly followed all the instructions since the change seen in this picture taken after 2 months is conspicuous! ^^
Her jaw line seems slimmer and sharper with no sign of sagged down skin or fat!
To check out the change more clearly, photos contrasted photos are shown below.
Acculift treatment can be performed on both face and body. Unlike liposuction, it also has lifting effect, improving skin elasticity, which is why it is usually performed on facial area. It eliminates target fat using intense laser wavelength, requires short procedure time of 30 minutes, and recovery is quick.
Unlike liposuction, Acculift dissolves the fat cells instead of getting rid of the fat, which is why it takes more time for the effect to show but accompanies the skin tightening result by improving skin regeneration and promoting collagen production.
The average duration is officially known as 5 to 10 years but can vary depending on the patient’s age due to the aging process.
We’re happy Kitty’s procedure showed result so soon and look forward to see Kitty’s pleasant smile on her SNS!
To learn more about Acculift or make an appointment for consultation, visit BK Plastic Surgery Hospital website at http://english.bkhospital.com/index.asp
BK supports your aesthetic beauty and boosts your confidence! J