Want to be a Princess like Cinderella?
BK provides our secret method for those who desire natural beauty
CINDERELLA INJECTION is called "baby face injection" and is made of Alpha-Lipoic Acid. Also known as thiotic acid, ALA is naturally produced in the body, as well as absorbed from certain foods we eat, such as red meat, spinach, potatoes, broccoli.
-Highly suggested if you want to have...
- Brightening skin color as injection tones up the entire face
- Activate fat resolving and effectively reduce body fat
- Increase skin elasticity and decrease wrinkles
- Feeling less exhausted after daily activity
- Regulation of blood glucose causing effects on geriatric diseases
BK Plastic Surgery (Headquarter) Contact Information for international patients
***Headquarter of BK is located in Seoul, Korea ***
English :bkhospitalenglish@gmail.com +82 10 5021 8886
Indonesia : bkhospitalindonesia@gmail.com +82 10-7152-8892
Malaysia : bkhospitalmalaysia@gmail.com +82-10-9481-8960
Singapore : bkhospitalsingapore@gmail.com +65 9389 7749
China : bkhospitalchinese@gmail.com +82 10 4934 8886
Japan : bkhospitaljapanese@gmail.com +82 10 7128 3886
Mongolia : bkhospitalmongolia@gmail.com +82 10 4072 0403
Vietnam : bkhospitalvietnam@gmail.com +82 10 4732 8894
Russia: bkhospitalrussia@gmail.com +82 10 4783 8886
Thailand: bkhospitalthailand@gmail.com +82 10 4783 8886
***Below is BK's Singapore branch ***
BK Medical Group Aesthetic Clinic
#08-05,06 Novena Medical Centre, 10 Sinaran Drive, Singapore, 307506