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Saturday, April 30, 2016

[BK Plastic Surgery] Cinderella Injection

 Want to be a Princess like Cinderella?
BK provides our secret method for those who desire natural beauty

CINDERELLA INJECTION is called "baby face injection" and is made of Alpha-Lipoic Acid. Also known as thiotic acid, ALA is naturally produced in the body, as well as absorbed from certain foods we eat, such as red meat, spinach, potatoes, broccoli. 


                  -Highly suggested if you want to have...

  • Brightening skin color as injection tones up the entire face
  • Activate fat resolving and effectively reduce body fat 
  • Increase skin elasticity and decrease wrinkles 
  • Feeling less exhausted after daily activity 
  • Regulation of blood glucose causing effects on geriatric diseases 

BK Plastic Surgery (Headquarter) Contact Information for international patients

***Headquarter of BK is located in Seoul, Korea ***

                                                         English :bkhospitalenglish@gmail.com +82 10 5021 8886

Indonesia : bkhospitalindonesia@gmail.com +82 10-7152-8892

Malaysia : bkhospitalmalaysia@gmail.com  +82-10-9481-8960

Singapore : bkhospitalsingapore@gmail.com  +65 9389 7749

China :  bkhospitalchinese@gmail.com +82 10 4934 8886

Japan : bkhospitaljapanese@gmail.com +82 10 7128 3886

Mongolia : bkhospitalmongolia@gmail.com +82 10 4072 0403

Vietnam :  bkhospitalvietnam@gmail.com +82 10 4732 8894

Russia: bkhospitalrussia@gmail.com +82 10 4783 8886

Thailand: bkhospitalthailand@gmail.com +82 10 4783 8886 

***Below is BK's Singapore branch ***

BK Medical Group Aesthetic Clinic

#08-05,06 Novena Medical Centre, 10 Sinaran Drive, Singapore, 307506




Tuesday, April 19, 2016

[BK Plastic Surgery] Teardrop Breast Surgery

Summer is coming in Korea, Time to wear bikini~!! J

Nowadays, curvy shape body is more preferred 
than skinny one.

For those who hesitate breast surgery,

We will explain you today of BK tear drop breast surgery.

Teardrop implants
which are used for teardrop breast surgery, 
are very similar to the real female breast shapes 
that can create more natural breast shapes.

The surgical plans are precisely determined 
that satisfactory results can be achieved 
based on the customer’s breast shape 
& desired breast shape after through consultation.

BK uses Allergan, Inc’s teardrop breast implants 
to provide a natural silhouette and voluminous breasts.

Considering each individual’s anatomical traits, 
we choose the most appropriate type and design of implants

 so that the movement and the shape of breasts can be natural in all activities. 

BK uses endoscopy for breast surgery which gives less pain; minimize risk of capsular contracture & fast recovery period!!

Also it is safe as Endoscopy secures a clear view 
so that surgeon can check the location of nerve, muscles and blood vessel exactly.

In BK, Dr, Keum in sub, who has wide experience and ability, perform a breast surgery.

He makes an incision on the exact area 
and inserts implants underneath muscle 

which give beautiful shape and leave less bruising&swelling.

Before summer comes, before regrets,

In BK, 
which posses safe equipment and perform breast surgery based on the each customer’s breast case, 

Make a voluminous breast!! 

K Plastic Surgery (Headquarter) Contact Information for international patients

***Headquarter of BK is located in Seoul, Korea ***

                                                         English :bkhospitalenglish@gmail.com +82 10 5021 8886

Indonesia : bkhospitalindonesia@gmail.com +82 10-7152-8892

Malaysia : bkhospitalmalaysia@gmail.com  +82-10-9481-8960

Singapore : bkhospitalsingapore@gmail.com  +65 9389 7749

China :  bkhospitalchinese@gmail.com +82 10 4934 8886

Japan : bkhospitaljapanese@gmail.com +82 10 7128 3886

Mongolia : bkhospitalmongolia@gmail.com +82 10 4072 0403

Vietnam :  bkhospitalvietnam@gmail.com +82 10 4732 8894

Russia: bkhospitalrussia@gmail.com +82 10 4783 8886

Thailand: bkhospitalthailand@gmail.com +82 10 4783 8886 

***Below is BK's Singapore branch ***

BK Medical Group Aesthetic Clinic

#08-05,06 Novena Medical Centre, 10 Sinaran Drive, Singapore, 307506




Tuesday, April 5, 2016

[BK Plastic Surgery] Face Fat Graft

With aging process, you may lose the tightness of skin or lose volume on your face

which causes you to look old and to have strong appearance.
Fat graft will be the solution of your concern!  
I will let you know the details of it today.

Fat is injected into the target sites you want for augmentation

which restores volume and create more youthful appearance.



First, fat is harvested from unwanted fat
such as abdomen, hip, or thigh.

And then in BK, we injects into multiple layers of skin
to reduce resorption and increase survivability of grafted fat.


By using site-specific and disposable cannula,

we minimize pain during harvestig process  and enable fat injections into desired areas

without leaving scars and infections.
Before you receive fat graft,
Make sure whether hospital uses authorized equipment,
has contamination prevention facility,
performs with specialized skills
and consists of well experienced surgeons.



If you look old for your age or have flat face,
you can have volume face with face fat graft  in BK Plastic Surgery.


One thing important in fat graft is to be injected
equally and evenly.
In BK we inject fat into multiple layers of skin
which result in minimizing resorption and increasing survival rate of grafted fat cells.

Not only fat graft helps to have younger appearance,
but also creates a smooth-curved profile
that enhances the overall beauty and vitality of face.  
So, it is recommended to do fat grafting

in where it has systematic support system and experienced professional doctors like BK.


As a way to make a volume face naturally,

we recommend face fat graft of BK.



K Plastic Surgery (Headquarter) Contact Information for international patients

***Headquarter of BK is located in Seoul, Korea ***

                                                         English :bkhospitalenglish@gmail.com +82 10 5021 8886

Indonesia : bkhospitalindonesia@gmail.com +82 10-7152-8892

Malaysia : bkhospitalmalaysia@gmail.com  +82-10-9481-8960

Singapore : bkhospitalsingapore@gmail.com  +65 9389 7749

China :  bkhospitalchinese@gmail.com +82 10 4934 8886

Japan : bkhospitaljapanese@gmail.com +82 10 7128 3886

Mongolia : bkhospitalmongolia@gmail.com +82 10 4072 0403

Vietnam :  bkhospitalvietnam@gmail.com +82 10 4732 8894

Russia: bkhospitalrussia@gmail.com +82 10 4783 8886

Thailand: bkhospitalthailand@gmail.com +82 10 4783 8886 

***Below is BK's Singapore branch ***

BK Medical Group Aesthetic Clinic

#08-05,06 Novena Medical Centre, 10 Sinaran Drive, Singapore, 307506


